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Scholarships & Awards


Degree of Bachelor of Arts with Honours Class One in Dance Theatre, Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, London, England. Dissertation: Butoh and existential phenomenology.


Studies with Min Tanaka, Tokason Dance Troupe, Japan.


Butoh workshops SU-EN, Anita Saij, Tadashi Endo, Ko Murobushi,

Carlotta Ikeda, Katsura Kan, Min Tanaka, Yumiko Yoshioka, Ken Mai.


Studies with SU-EN Butoh Company, Almunge, Sweden.

The Swedish Arts Grants Committee scholarship, Arbetsstipendium
Financial support from the Gothenburg Cultural Affairs Committee.


The Scholarship Foundation for Studies of Japanese Society.

Artistic research at Oe Noh Theatre in Kyoto, Japan. 

Financial support from the Gothenburg Cultural Affairs Committee.

Silver Award, PEARL SHINING LIGHT, Paris Film Awards


The Swedish Arts Grants Committee scholarship Krisstipendium
Financial support from the Gothenburg Cultural Affairs Committee.

Scandinavia-Japan Sasakawa Foundation scholarship
The Swedish Arts Grants Committee scholarship Krisstipendium
Financial support from the Gothenburg Cultural Affairs Committee.


The Swedish Arts Grants Committee scholarship Krisstipendium
Gothenburg Cultural Affairs Committee scholarship Krisstipendium
Financial support from the Gothenburg Cultural Affairs Committee.


The Adlerbertska Research Foundation scholarship
Financial support from the Gothenburg Cultural Affairs Committee.


International Choreography Grant by The Swedish Arts Grants Committee.
Financial support from the Gothenburg Cultural Affairs Committee.


Scholarship, The Bergman Estate on Fårö, Sweden.
Scholarship, Asia- Europe Foundation. The Scholarship Foundation for Studies of Japanese Society. Financial support from the Gothenburg Cultural Affairs Committee.


Scholarship, Region Västra Götaland, Sweden.
Scholarship Family Wikanders Foundation.


Scholarship, The Swedish Arts Grants Committee.
Guest studio grant Region Västra Götaland, Sweden.


Vibrissa, Honorable Mention of International Photography Awards 2014 - Los Angeles, U.S.A. To salute the achievements of the world’s finest photographers, to discover new and emerging talent, and to promote the appreciation of photography.
Godai, Nomination Scenkonstgalan 2014 (Stage art gala 2014), Gothenburg, Sweden.
Cultural Scholarship, Region Västra Götaland, Sweden.


Cultural Scholarship, Göteborgs Stad, Sweden.
Member of the International Dance Council CID, UNESCO.


Asymptote, The Sunday Independent, South Africa.


Ama no gawa, The Standard Bank Ovation Award, National Arts Festival, South Africa.


Lerum’s Cultural Scholarship, Summertraining Limón Institute, New York, U.S.A


Department for Education and Employment Scholarship, United Kingdom, Laban Centre London (Bachelor of Arts), London, England.


Artistivc Development within
NOH THEATRE Kyoto, JAPAN (2021-present)

Artistic research and development at Oe Nohgakudou, Noh Master Oe Nobuyuki. Kyoto Japan.

Active as a solo dancer and Choreographer FRAUKE since 2008.
Selected performances and projects

Pearl. On tour with The National Swedish Touring Theatre /Riksteatern spring 2024.
Lecture, film screening and performance, Japanese tea ceremony 2 April, Sällskapet Gnistan, Gothenburg.
Film premiere Coral shining light April 28. Worldwide screening on Frauke's official website.

Noh dance ( shimai ) ”Hōkazō”.Noh Recital at Oe Noh Theatre Kyoto Japan 9 October.
Master Nobuyuki Oe 大江信行師匠
Noh dance ( shimai ) ”Zegai”. Noh Recital at Kumahiko, Arashiama Japan 23 July.
Master Nobuyuki Oe 大江信行師匠
Noh dance ( shimai ) ”Himuro”. Noh Recital at Oe Noh Theatre Kyoto Japan 14 May.
Master Nobuyuki Oe 大江信行師匠
Noh dance ( shimai ) ”Kasuga Ryūjin”. Noh Recital at Oe Noh Theatre Kyoto Japan 5 February. Master Nobuyuki Oe 大江信行師匠
Collaboration with photographer Yoshie Kuwayama, Motion in silence. Exhibition "Fear, desperation and fantasy" EXPO : 9-13 June 2023 in Aalst, Belgium. "Free your soul" (Kyoto Japan July 2023) photo series by Yoshie Kuwayama.
Performance "Coral Āyatana the six sense spheres" in collaboration with Harry Lee. May 24, 2023 UrBANGUILD Kyoto Performance Art Venue Japan.

Noh dance ( shimai ) ”Ikuta Atsumori”. Noh Recital at Oe Noh Theatre Kyoto Japan 2 October. Master Nobuyuki Oe 大江信行師匠
Noh dance ( shimai ) ”Semimaru”. Noh Recital at Oe Noh Theatre Kyoto Japan 8 May. Master Nobuyuki Oe 大江信行師匠
Film Pearl - Shining Light. Screening Rising Sun International Film Festival, Kitakyushu, Japan. Silver Award (Experimental) at the Paris Film Award in January 2023 and nominated finalist at the Dansfilmfestivalen, Gothenburg 10-11 February. The film was also shown at Röda Sten Finissage 25 August and in Havana, Cuba 16-18 November during Sueciakonstcuba.


Noh dance ( shimai ) ”Iwafune”. Noh Recital at Oe Noh Theatre Kyoto Japan 17th October. Master Nobuyuki Oe 大江信行師匠
Film Amber - Shining light. 

Artistic research Oe Nohgakudou, Noh Master Oe Nobuyuki. Kyoto, Japan.
Noh dance (Shimai) ”Kokaji”Autumn Recital at Oe Nohgakudou, Kyoto, Japan, 11th October Master Nobuyuki Oe.
Amber - Shining light, FOuR DANCERS vol.186~dance performance night~UrBANGUILD Kyoto, Japan.
Amber Shining Light Performance Photoseries Kyoto, Japan.
FOuR DANCERS vol.163 dance performance night, collaboration with ryotaro, UrBANGUILD Kyoto, Japan.
Hana - Blooming, TESA Creative Center, Taiwan.
Hana Part VII at Butoh Night vol. 14 at UrBANGUILD in Kyoto, Japan.
Editorial model for Harper's Bazaar Taiwan January Edition 2020.

Hana - three bodies, International Premiere, Centre Pompadour - Laboratoire Néoféministe, Château Lafoutte, Ercourt, France, Swedish Premiere, Aftonstjärnan, Göteborg, Sweden, NOHABs Smedja Trollhättan, Sweden, Rigas mazais teatris, Riga, Latvia, Nirgendwo, Berlin, Germany, The Kodera Stable, Soraku-en, Kobe, Japan. UrBANGUILD Kyoto, Japan.
Choreographer of the newly written opera Schlagt sie tot! Malmö Opera House, Sweden.

Butoh Workshops, BALLET STUDIO SORA, Kobe, Japan. Nordiska Teaterskolan, Nordiska folkhögskolan, Kungälv, Sweden.
Master class, Riga Performance Festival, MA TELPA Artist residency & Education Centre, Riga, Latvia.
Umi - three bodies, Riga Performance Festival, RISEBA Architecture and Media Centre H2O6, AISTERE HALL. Riga, Latvia. Studio Gathenhielm, Gothenburg, F-fabriken/Lilla Götafors, Mölndal, Eric Ericsonhallen/Skeppsholmskyrkan, Stockholm, Sweden. KIITO Hall, Kobe, Japan.
The film Fortuna by Mile Nagaoka starring Frauke was selected as one of the SSF2018 Official Selection. Sapporo Short film festival. Filmscreening Draken, Gothenburg Fringe, Sweden.
”An angel descends” in collaboration with photographer Tadahiko Shimazu, Road to Paris, Harada- no-Mori Gallery, Kobe, Japan. Award ASHIYA Photo Exhibition, Japan.
Butoh Workshop, Nordiska Teaterskolan, Nordiska folkhögskolan, Kungälv, Sweden.
Artistic development work and research, Ueda Nohgakudou, Kobe, Japan.
Documentaries Frauke 1 & 2 by Mile Nagaoka, Tokushima International filmfestival AEON cinema theater, Japan.
TPAM Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama, Japan.

Yama three bodies. Frauke + TM404/ Andreas Tilliander. Guggenheim House, Kobe, Japan. Strandverket Art Museum, GIBCA Extended programme, Marstrand, Skansen Lejonet, Gothenburg, Färgfabriken Stockholm, Sweden.
Noh studies with Noh Master Akio Kasada, Ueda Nohgakudou, Kobe, Japan.
Kamiyama Artist In Residence 2017 Bed & Studio program, Japan.
Live act performance ITO, Frauke and sound artist Riku-Pekka Kellokoski, at Asematila/ Vapaantaiteen tila/Talvipuutarha, Helsinki, Finland.
Film screening of Frauke 2 by Mile Nagaoka at the Tokushima Awagin Hall, Tokushima International Short Film Festival 2017, Japan.
Film screening of Mile Nagaoka’s documentary Frauke, Atalante, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Butoh Workshop: Nordiska Teaterskolan,Tokalynga Teaterakademi, Ätran, Sweden.
Film screening: Frauke by Mile Nagaoka at JSFF Japanese Serbian Film Festival.
Wolf Moon. Frauke + TM404/ Andreas Tilliander. GlogauAIR Berlin, Germany, Gothenburg Dance & Theatre Festival Gothenburg, Sweden, Torinin Naruto, Japan, The Biological Museum, Stockholm, 3:e Våningen Dance & Art Venue, Gothenburg, Sweden.
GlogauAIR Artist in Residence Program, GlogauAIR, Berlin, Germany.
ITO, Galerie Toolbox, Berlin, Germany.
Wolf Moon preview, Yorii-za Theatre, Kamiyama, Japan.
Kamiyama Artist In Residence 2016 Bed & Studio program, Japan.
Artist talk, Rum för dans, Region Halland, Sweden

Nagaame MOON - A spell of long rain. Frauke + TM404/ Andreas Tilliander, Nordic Music Days 2015, Kongernes Lapidarium, Copenhagen, Denmark, The Nordic Watercolour Museum, Skärhamn, Röda Sten, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Nagaame preview, Skiland, Kamiyama, Japan.
Kamiyama Artist In Residence 2015 Bed & Studio program, Japan.
Dancer in Kokutoh-in Performance ”Touka” with members from Sankai Juku, Kurobe International Cultural Center, Toyama, Japan.
Emerge MOON, Konstepidemin boiler room, Göteborg, Skånes Konstförening, Malmö, Sweden.

Nagaame performance, Librarie TOKYO-GA 2014, GALERIE-T, Paris, France.
Performance and workshop, AHA! Festival, Department of Architecture at the Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Vibrissa – international urban garden tour, Voedseltuin IJplein, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Trädgård På Spåret, Stockholm, Silverkällans Odlarkollektiv, Göteborg, Sweden.
Polymorphous, International MiniKunstFestival DYSTOPIA, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Bacteria Shop, OT301, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Artist in residence OT301, E.H.B.K. / OT301, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Ura, Halland Art Museum, Halmstad, Sweden.

GODAI - How to be invisible, Hey It’s Enrico Pallazzo, Gothenburg. Rubedo, EEA ESEM Congress, Gothenburg, Sweden.
How to be invisible, Video, Love Explosion, Göteborgs Konsthall. Shed, Medical History Museum in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Enlightenment, Atalante, Gothenburg. Fantasia, Göteborg City Theatre, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Illuminate, Artists Collective Workshop and Gallery Box, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Artist talk, KLEO/ Dance Centre West, Gothenburg Culture Festival, Sweden.
Performance, workshop and seminar at Japan Anniversary, Leksand-Tobetsu, Dalarna, Sweden.
Body Poetry, The Art Gallery Lokstallet, Strömstad, Sweden.
Endangered, Atalante, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Soloperformance Oblivion, Debut Concert Ylva Lund Bergner, The Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Endangered part 5: Garden, Japan Valley of Gothenburg Botanical Garden, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Endangered part 4: Wall, The Whale Hall, The Natural History Museum, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Winter Word Festival, performance at Restaurant Skagerack, and performance in Stadsparken, Strömstad, Sweden.
Endangered part 3: Roof, Program release, Atalante, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Endangered part 2: Chamber, Risåsberget, Skansen Kronan, Gothenburg.
Butohworkshop, Ärlegården, Gothenurg, Sweden.
Dans noir, Nefertiti, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Butoh workshops, Nordiska Teaterlinjen, Kungälv, Sweden.
Butoh croquis, Gallery Ålgården, Borås, Sweden.
Endangered part 1: The Bridge, Sculpture at Pilane, Tjörn, Sweden.
Running foxes, Center Theatre & Dance Centre West, Gothenburg Culture Festival.
Performance at Avant Releaseparty, Lust, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Korp, Halleluja, The Palmhouse, The Garden Society of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Lifeboat, Gocart Gallery, Visby, Gotland, Sweden.
Butoh seminar at The department of Archaeology and Osteology, Gotland University, Sweden.
Shore, Cultural Festival, Folkuniversitetet, Gothenburg, Sweden.
VOID a Butohdance solo by Frauke, Atalante, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Performance Opening of Shtoom, Eric Length’s MFA exhibition, Malmö Art Academy’s KHM Gallery, Malmö, Sweden.

Dance teacher, Professional dance program. Angeredsgymnasiet high school, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Blanc, KulturMeDialog, Lagerhuset, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Butoh workshops, Ärlegården, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Dance ‘n Bass, Atalante, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Corona, Sculpture at Pilane, Tjörn, Sweden.
Butoh workshop, Stadsbiblioteket, Gothenburg Culture Festival, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Ama no gawa, collaboration with First Physical Theatre Company, National Arts Festival, Grahamstown, South Africa.
Resident choreographer, First Physical Theatre Company, Rhodes University Drama Department, Grahamstown, South Africa.
Undoing, Johannesburg and National Arts Festival, Grahamstown, South Africa.
Undoing, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Butoh workshop series, WITS Drama Department, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Butoh workshop series, Residency, Tschwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa.
Asymptote, FNB Dance Umbrella, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Cyanea, Anniversary Celebration, KV School of Art, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Seed, Gunnebo House and Gardens, Mölndal, Sweden.
Suikerbos Opening of “Kraften i Stenen”. Presented by Konsthallen, Vattenfall and KKV- Bohuslän. Trollhättan, Sweden.
Suikerbos, European Cities Marketing Conference, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Suikerbos, Masked, Museum of World Culture, Gothenburg, Sweden.
VOID a Butohdance solo by Frauke, Regionteater Väst, Borås, Sweden.
Konnichiwa, Dansbaren, Dansbyrån, Gothenburg, Sweden.
AKA - Red Sea, The Nordic Watercolour Museum, Skärhamn, Sweden.
Whale Valley, Festival Popcorn, Hagateatern, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Workshop Year 7, Häggvallskolan, Tjörn, Sweden.
Butoh croquis, KV School of Art, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Butoh croquis, collaboration with KV School of Art, Gothenburg Culturenight, Gothenburg City Library, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Bläck, in relation to exhibition: The Art of Japanese Tattoos- by Horiyoshi 111, The Maritime Museum and Aquarium, Gothenburg, Sweden.
VOID a Butohdance solo by Frauke, Tour in South Africa, Rhodes University Box Theatre, Grahamstown, The WITS Amphitheatre, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Workshop, First Physical Dance Company, Rhodes University Department, Grahamstown, South Africa. Workshop, WITS Drama Department, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Workshop, Sibikwa, Community Arts Centre, Benoni, South Africa.
Workshop, Tschwane Institute of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa.
Crop, The Wilds, Houghton, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Park performance, Art project Frisläppt, Margaretadagen, Sundsby Säteri, Tjörn, Sweden.
Skin, Lust, öppen Salong, Konsthallen Trollhättan, Trollhättan, Sweden.
Flightless, Gothenburg City Library, Gothenburg.
Twilight, opening of the Culturedays, Schillerska Gymnasiet, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Performance with students, Culturedays, Schillerska Gymnasiet, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Workshop, Culturedays, Schillerska Gymnasiet, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Butoh improvisation, open stage, Kulturhuset Kåken, Gothenburg, Sweden.

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